renovating our new future space and planning for a wedding! haha. i was pretty excited today as i saw this in the foyer - a nice box from UPS..
after the disgust from the import fees (why do we have that at all between the US and Canada, no explanation makes sense), i was super excited.
i know in some gastronomy circles, the term "molecular gastronomy" has some poor connotations attached.. why, i'm not sure of that either =)
anyhoo, without further ado.. here are some more pix:
cluttered "pantry" anyone?
wonderful packets!
i can't wait to try to make the vanilla fruit pate and my version of piave noodles!
aelrkhga;soihjb;awoehrtg;lkasndvae!!!!!!! = wowzers that's a whole lot of stuff...whoa...
Lucky duck! That's a lot! How unfortunate though that you have stopped blogging.. or did you move to another site? Hope you'll go back to blogging soon!
Amy @ Foodista
I just bought a pair of designer sunglasses for $35, check out, they have other deals as well.
fun and really a fantastic post awesome one
cool really a amazing post i enjoyed reading this post a lot
awesome and really such a amazing post